Eqiupment ISPM RAS


Glove box

Working place for the conduction of chemical reactions in an extra pure inert atmosphere supplied with a water vapor and oxygen concentrations controlling system, having a sensitivity threshold of 0.1 ppm, (MBRAUN “Glove box”) and a Thermex liquid low-temperature thermostat “Crio-ВТ-05-02” (Germany)

Комплект Zeiss

Carl Zeiss kit for the investigation of the structures and phase-states of nano-sized polymeric forms (Germany):

  1. Polarizing optical microscope Axioscop A40 Pol
  2. Heating stage Linkam
  3. Camera AxioCam using the AxioVision Rel.4.8 software
Ванна Лэнгмюра Nima

NIMA 612D Langmuir bath (UK)

Ванна Лэнгмюра Nima c микроскопом Брюстера

Nima 712BAM Langmuir bath with a Brewster microscope MicroBAM2

Прибор для измерения краевого угла KRUSS

KRUSS contact angle measuring device (Germany)

Viscotek 270

Light-scattering detector Viscotek 270

Система CEM Discovery

CEM Discovery system for the conduction of chemical reactions utilizing microwave radiation with automatic control over the temperature and pressure of the reacting mixture (USA)

Кулометр Metrohm 831 KF

Coulometer Metrohm 831 KF for the determination of residual humidity in a concentration range of 10-100000 ppm by the Karl Fisher method

Хроматограф Shimadzu

Shimadzu series 10 GPC kit with an SPD-10MAVP diode array detector

Хроматограф Shimadzu

Shimadzu Prominent GPC kit with an SPD-M20A diode array detector

Вискозиметр Schott

Schott AVS 370 - viscosimeter with a laser level indicator