Laboratory of Synthesis of organoelement polymers
Нeads of laboratory
Since 2018
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PhD in Polymer Chemistry |
From 1991 to 2017
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Dr.Sci. in Chemistry academician Aziz Muzafarov
Research activity
The Laboratory of the Synthesis of Organoelement Polymers currently working under the supervision of corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences Prof. A.M.Muzafarov, Doctor of Chemistry, was officially founded in 1991, although the actual start to the its history had been given significantly earlier.
It was in the late 1970-s when time, location, and desire to do science in the Laboratory of Organosilicon Compounds at the Institute of Organoelement Compounds, a foundation of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, consolidated young researchers – mainly graduates of the Chair headed by Academician K.A.Andrianov at the Lomonosov Moscow Institute of Fine Chemical Technology. Back then, the Laboratory, the very place where the first Ph.D. defenses took place, was supervised by Academician K.A.Andrianov (and later Prof. A.A.Zhdanov). This scientific school brought extremely rich harvest, and in 1989 these scientists, experienced, but still occupying junior research positions, began their independent life as the Group of the Synthesis of Highly Functional Volume-Growing Systems at the Institute of Synthetic Polymeric Materials then headed by Academician N.S.Enikolopov.
In 1991 this group underwent transformation into the currently existing Laboratory. Since that moment, it has significantly grown up by the number of workers, who inherited not only the enthusiasm to continue as a consolidated community, but also the abilities to succeed despite uneasy conditions. Somewhat later the group was joined by graduates of the Chemistry and Physics Departments at Lomonosov Moscow State University and a number of young researchers – alumni of the Graduate School at the Institute of Synthetic Polymeric Materials, a foundation of the Russian Academy of Sciences.
Main scientific directions
The Laboratory is engaged in research in the following directions:
- development of methods of the synthesis and investigation of the properties of organosilicon polymers with different structures and having different applications;
- synthesis and investigation of organosilicon dendrimers, hyperbranched polymers and other molecular nano-objects
- synthesis of inorganic polymeric systems and pre-ceramic materials;
- synthesis and investigation of the properties of functional materials for organic electronics and photonics.
Chief scientific officer:
Aziz Muzafarov
Senior research scientists:
Olga Gorbatsevich
Nina Demchenko
Galina Ignatyeva
Valentina Kazakova
Alexandra Kalinina
Ivan Meshkov
Sergey Milenin
Elena Tatarinova
Nadezhda Tebeneva
Nataliya Vasilenko
Research fellows:
Alexandra Bystrova
Dmitriy Migulin
Marina Obrezkova
Alexandr Tarasenkov
Junior researchers:
Kirill Borisov
Elena Katarzhnova
Alina Khmelnitskaya
Evgeniya Talalaeva
Pavel Tikhonov
Graduate students:
Ulyana Andropova
Kseniya Bezlepkina
Alexey Ryzhkov INEOS RAS
Elizaveta Selezneva
Irina Shihovtseva RTU MIREA
Pavel Tikhonov
Yuliya Vysochinskaya
Sofya Zimovec
Yulia Alferova RTU MIREA
Sofia Ardabievskaya MIPT
Diana Borisova RTU MIREA
Evgeniy Chernov MIPT
Galina Golovacheva RTU MIREA
Anna Demidova RTU MIREA
Ksenia Klokova RTU MIREA
Sergey Kostrov MSU
Valeriy Maiorov RTU MIREA
Daria Vasil'eva RTU MIREA
Viktoriya Velikorodnaya RTU MIREA
Nikita Yakhontov RTU MIREA
Main publications overview
Use of MnCl 2/t BuOOH oxidizing system for conversion of p-tolyldisiloxanes to p-carboxyphenyldisiloxanes
Goncharova I. K., Arzumanyan A. V., Milenin S. A., Muzafarov A. M.
Journal of Organometallic Chemistry, 2018, 28–30; DOI: 10.1016/j.polymer.2018.01.047
Core/shell hybrid dendrimers: Controllable rigidity determines molecular behaviour
Serkova E. S., Krasnova I. Y., Milenin S. A., Selezneva E. V., Tatarinova E. A., Boldyrev K. L., Korlyukov A. A., Zubavichus Y. V., Buzin M. I., Serenko O. A., Shifrina Z. B.
Polymer, 2018, 83-91; DOI: 10.1016/j.polymer.2018.01.047
Simple and fast method for producing flexible superhydrophobic aerogels by direct formation of thiol-ene networks in scCO 2
Temnikov M. N., Kononevich Y. N., Meshkov I. B., Buzin M. I., Vasil'ev V. G., Nikiforova G. G., Muzafarov A. M.
Polymer, 2018, 255-266; DOI: 10.1016/j.polymer.2018.01.067
Copper-Catalyzed Oxidation of Hydrosilanes: A New Method for the Synthesis of Alkyl- and Siloxysilanols
Arzumanyan A. V., Goncharova I. K., Novikov R. A., Milenin S. A., Muzafarov A. M.
Synlett, 2018, 489-492; DOI: 10.1055/s-0036-1591512
A study of the hydrosilylation approach to a one-pot synthesis of silicone aerogels in supercritical CO2
Elmanovich I. V., Pryakhina T. A., Vasil’ev V. G., Gallyamov M. O., Muzafarov A. M.
The Journal of Supercritical Fluids, 2018, 512-518; DOI: 10.1016/j.supflu.2017.11.017
The use of noncovalently modified carbon nanotubes for preparation of hybrid polymeric composite materials with electrically conductive and lightning resistant properties
Kondrashov S. V., Soldatov M. A., Gunyaeva A. G., Shashkeev K. A., Komarova O. A., Barinov D. Y., Yurkov G. Y., Shevchenko V. G., Muzafarov A. M
Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 2018, 46108; DOI: 10.1002/app.46108
Sodiumoxy (aminopropyl) alkoxysilanes-AB2 type monomers for the synthesis of hyperbranched poly (aminopropyl) alkoxysiloxanes and their derivatives
Migulin D., Milenin S., Cherkaev G., Svidchenko E., Surin N., & Muzafarov A
Journal of Organometallic Chemistry, 2018, 24-32; DOI: 10.1016/j.jorganchem.2017.11.028
Probing the 1H spin distribution in hybrid organic-inorganic gels by multiple-quantum NMR spectroscopy
Vasil'ev S.G., Volkov V.I., Tatarinova E.A., Muzafarov A.M., Sipyagina N.A., Lermontov S.A.
Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, 2018, 6–15; DOI: 10.1016/j.jnoncrysol.2018.03.014
Mechanochemistry – a new powerful green approach to direct synthesis of alkoxysilanes
Temnikov M.N., Anisimov A.A., Zhemchugov P.V., Kholodkov D.N., Goloveshkin A.S., Naumkin A.V., Chistovalov S.M., Katsulis D.E., Muzafarov A.M.
Green Chemistry, 2018; DOI: 10.1039/C7GC03862C
Aerobic Co or Cu/NHPI-catalyzed oxidation of hydride siloxanes: synthesis of siloxanols
Arzumanyan A. V., Goncharova I. K., Noviko R. A., Milenin S., Boldyrev K. L., Solyev P. N., Volodin A. D., Smol’yakov A. F., Korlyukov A., Muzafarov A.
Green Chem, 2018, 1467-1471; DOI: 10.1039/C8GC00424B
Thermodynamic properties of first- and third-generation carbosilane dendrimers with terminal phenyldioxolane groups
Smirnova N. N., Sologubov S. S., Sarmini Yu. A., Markin A. V., Novozhilova N. A., Tatarinova E. A., Muzafarov A. M.
RUSSIAN JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY A, 2017, 2317-2325; DOI: 10.1134/S0036024417110279
Hybrid materials based on polymethylsilsesquioxanes containing Fe, Pt, and Fe-Pt metallic nanoparticles
Vasil'kov A. Yu., Migulin D. A., Naumkin A. V., Zubavichus Ya. V., Budnikov A. V., Ellert O. G., Maksimov Yu. V., Muzafarov A. M.
RUSSIAN JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY A, 2017, 2188-2194; DOI: 10.1134/S0036024417110310
Formation of Honeycomb Films Based on Cardo Polyimide Modified with Fluorocontaining Organosilicon Copolymers by Breath Figures Method
Parshina M.S., Soldatov M.A., Sapozhnikov D.A., Serenko O.A., Muzafarov A.M.
MACROMOLECULAR SYMPOSIA, 2017, 1700035; DOI: 10.1002/masy.201700035
BODIPY-based dye for no-wash live-cell staining and imaging
Pakhomov A.A., Deyev I.E., Ratnikova N.M., Chumakov S.P., Mironiuk V.B., Kononevich, Yu.N., Muzafarov A.M., Martynov V.I.
BIOTECHNIQUES, 2017, 77-79; DOI: 10.2144/000114577
Synthesis and structures of novel tetra- and pentanuclear copper sandwich-like metallasiloxanes with pyridine ligands
Kononevich Yu.N., Anisimov A.A., Korlyukov A.A., Tsareva U.S., Shchegolikhina O.I., Muzafarov A.M.
MENDELEEV COMMUNICATIONS, 2017, 332-334; DOI: 10.1016/j.mencom.2017.07.002
Synthesis and crystal structure of a meso-decene-BODIPY dye as a functional bright fluorophore for silicone matrices
Pakhomov A.A., Mironiuk V.B., Kononevich Yu.N., Korlyukov A.A., Volodin A.D., Pryakhina T.A., Martynov V.I., Muzafarov A.M.
MENDELEEV COMMUNICATIONS, 2017, 363-365; DOI: 10.1016/j.mencom.2017.07.014
Multiferroic based on nanoparticles consisting of a silica nucleus and a shell of spin-variable iron complexes
Aleksandrov A. I., Tebeneva N. A., Shevchenko V. G., Aleksandrov I. A., Meshkov I. B., Muzafarov A. M.
JETP LETTERS, 2017, 51-56; DOI: 10.1134/S0021364017130057
New star-like polydimethylsiloxanes: synthesis, properties, and application
Vysochinskaya Yu. S., Gorodov V. V., Anisimov A. A., Boldyrev K. L., Buzin M. I., Naumkin A. V., Maslakov K. I., Peregudov A. S., Shchegolikhina O. I., Muzafarov A. M.
RUSSIAN CHEMICAL BULLETIN, 2017, 1094-1098; DOI: 10.1007/s11172-017-1859-8
Formation of a physical crosslinked structure in polydimethylsiloxanes modified with long-chain hydrocarbon substituents with polar fragments
Vasil'ev V. G., Pryakhina T. A., Shragin D. I., Kononevich Yu. N., Papkov V. S., Muzafarov A. M.
POLYMER SCIENCE SERIES B, 2017, 320-327; DOI: 10.1134/S1560090417030150
Synthesis and photophysical properties of halogenated derivatives of (dibenzoylmethanato)boron difluoride
Kononevich Yu.N., Surin N.M., Sazhnikov V.A., Svidchenko E.A., Aristarkhov V.M., Safonov A.A., Bagaturyants A.A., Alfimov M.V., Muzafarov A.M.
Synthesis and properties of water-soluble silica nanoparticles
Gorbatsevich O. B., Kholodkov D. N., Kurkin T. S., Malakhova Yu. N., Strel'tsov D. R., Buzin A. I., Kazakova V. V., Muzafarov A. M.
RUSSIAN CHEMICAL BULLETIN, 2017, 409-417; DOI: 10.1007/s11172-017-1748-1
The effect of hafnium alkoxysiloxane precursor structure of disperse phase on the morphology of nanocomposites based on polyaryleneetherketone
Andropova U.S., Parshina M.S., Askadskii A.A., Serenko O.A., Muzafarov A.M., Tebeneva N.A., Tarasenkov A.N.
Polymer Science. Series B, 2017, 202-209; DOI: 10.7868/S2308113917020127
Non-catalytic hydrolytic polycondensation of dialkoxydiorganosilanes under elevated pressure
Kalinina A.A., Muzafarov A.M., Zhiltsov A.S., Pigaleva M.A., Elmanovich I.V., Molodtsova Y.A., Kotov V.M., Gallyamov M.O.
Russian Chemical Bulletin, 2017, 355-361; DOI: 10.1007/s11172-017-1740-9
Adsorption properties of pyridylphenylene dendrimers
Serenko O., Strashnov P., Kapustin G., Kalinin M., Kuchkina N., Serkova E., Shifrina Z., Muzafarov A.
RSC ADVANCES, 2017, 7870-7875; DOI: 10.1039/c6ra27064f
Synthesis, Characterisation, and Investigation of Thermosensitive Star-Shaped Poly(2-Isopropyl-2-Oxazolines) Based on Carbosilane Dendrimers
Amirova A., Rodchenko S., Makhmudova Zh., Cherkaev G., Milenin S., Tatarinova E., Kurlykin M., Tenkovtsev A., Filippov A.
Macromolecular chemistry and physics, 2017, 1600387; DOI: 10.1002/macp.201600387
Synthesis and thermal and rheological properties of carboxyl-containing polydimethylsiloxanes
Gorodov V.V., Demchenko N.V., Shragin D.I., Muzafarov A.M., Buzin M.I., Vasil'ev V.G., Papkov V.S.
Russian Chemical Bulletin, 2017, 1290-1299; DOI: 10.1007/s11172-017-1887-4
Synthesis and Properties of MQ Copolymers: Current State of Knowledge
Tatarinova E., Vasilenko N., Muzafarov A.
Molecules, 2017, 1768; DOI: 10.3390/molecules22101768
The Suzuki modification of functional polydimethylsiloxanes
Drozdov F.V., Cherkaev G.V., Muzafarov A.M.
Mendeleev Commun, 2017, 571-572; DOI: 10.1016/j.mencom.2017.11.010
Investigation of Melts of Polybutylcarbosilane Dendrimers by 1H NMR Spectroscopy
Matveev V. V., Markelov D. A., Dvinskikh S. V., Shishkin A. N., Tyutyukin K. V., Penkova A. V., Tatarinova E. A., Ignat'eva G. M., Milenin S. A.
Scientific Reports, 2017, 13710; DOI: 10.1038/s41598-017-13743-z
Influence of a hydrophobic core on thermoresponsive behavior of dendrimer-based star-shaped poly (2-isopropyl-2-oxazoline) in aqueous solutions
Amirova A., Rodchenko S., Milenin, S., Tatarinova E., Kurlykin M., Tenkovtsev A., & Filippov A.
Journal of Polymer Research, 2017, 124; DOI: 10.1007/s10965-017-1285-5
Synthesis of thioether-containing carbosilane dendrimers with sterically shielded sulfur atoms
Tarasenkov А. N., Getmanova E. V., Tatarinova E. A., Buzin М. I., Demchenko N. V., Cherkaev G. V., Muzafarov А. М.
Russ. Chem. Bull, 2017, 1675—1685; DOI: 10.1007/s11172-017-1940-3
Complexes of CuCl2 with G1-8S-Dec dendrimer. DFT calculations of the structure and physicochemical properties
Alexandrov A. I., Tarasenkov A. N., Alexandrov I. A., Metlenkova I. Y., Kiselev S. S., & Borisov, Y. A.
Russian Chemical Bulletin, 2017, 813-820; DOI: 10.1007/s11172-017-1812-x
Superhydrophobic conducting coatings based on silicone matrix and carbon nanotubes
Shashkeev, K. A., Nagornaya V. S., Volkov I. A., Kondrashov S. V., D’yachkova T. P., Kondakov A. I., Borisov K. M., Yurkov G. Yu.
Russian Journal of Applied Chemistry, 2017, 1107-1116; DOI: 10.1134/S1070427217070138
Dicationic polysiloxane ionic liquids
Krasovskiy, V. G., Glukhov, L. M., Chernikova, E. A., Kapustin, G. I., Gorbatsevich, O. B., Koroteev, A. A., & Kustov, L. M.
Russian Chemical Bulletin, 2017, 1269-1277; DOI: 10.1007/s11172-017-1884-7
Hydrolytic polycondensation of methylalkoxysilanes under pressure
Kalinina A.A., Kholodkov D.N., Meshkov I.B., Muzafarov A.M., Pigaleva M.A., Elmanovich I.V., Molodtsova Y.A., Gallyamov M.O.
Russian Chemical Bulletin, 2016, 1104-1109; DOI: 10.1007/s11172-016-1419-7
Synthesis of dimethylcyclosiloxanes in the active medium
Kalinina A.A., Talalaeva E.V., Vasilenko N.G., Demchenko N.V., Muzafarov A.M., Molodtsova Y.A., Demchenko A.I.
Russian Chemical Bulletin, 2016, 1013-1019; DOI: 10.1007/s11172-016-1405-0
Molecular silicasol-based barrier coatings for organic electronics
Sizov A.S., Meshkov I.B., Yablokov M.Y., Agina E.V., Muzafarov A.M., Ponomarenko S.A., Bessonov A.A.
Nanotechnologies in Russia, 2016, 617-624; DOI: 10.1134/S1995078016050189
Preparation of Chemosensor Materials Based on Silica Nanoparticles with Covalently Anchored Fluorophores by Inkjet Printing
Ionov D. S., Yurasik G. A., Molchanov S. P., Sazhnikov V. A., Aristarkhov V. M., Kononevich Yu. N., Meshkov I. B., Voronina N. V., Muzafarov A. M., Alfimov M. V.
Nanotechnologies in Russia, 2016, 444–453; DOI: 10.1134/S199507801604008X
Phase State and Rheology of Organosilicon Nanocomposites with Functionalized Hyperbranched Nanoparticles
Ilyin S.O., Polyakova M.Yu., Makarova V.V., Meshkov I.B., Kulichikhin V.G.
Polymer Science, Series A., 2016, 985–993; DOI: 10.1134/S0965545X16060080
Synthesis of the first hyperbranched polyorganoethoxysilsesquioxanes and their chemical transformations to functional core-shell nanogel systems
Migulin D., Tatarinova E., Meshkov I., Cherkaev G., Vasilenko N., Buzin M., Muzafarov A.
Polym Int, 2016, 72–83; DOI: 10.1002/pi.5029
Rheological properties of sulfur-containing hyperbranched polycarbosilanes and related magnetic compositions
Tarasenkov A.N., Getmanova E.V., Muzafarov A.M., Vasil´ev V.G., Buzin M.I., Kramarenko E.Y., Pak G.G.
Russian Chemical Bulletin, 2016, 1086-1096; DOI: 10.1007/s11172-016-1417-9
Complexes of CuCl2 with low generation dendrimer G1-4S-Bu. Density functional calculations of structure and physicochemical properties
Alexandrov A.I., Metlenkova I.Y., Tarasenkov A.N., Borisov Y.A.
Russian Chemical Bulletin, 2016, 407-413; DOI: 10.1007/s11172-016-1313-3
Structure and properties of organic-inorganic nanocomposites based on polyaryleneetherketone
Tebeneva N.A., Tarasenkov A.N., Buzin M.I., Shaposhnikova V.V., Serenko O.A., Muzafarov A.M.
Russian Chemical Bulletin, 2016, 1097-1103; DOI: 10.1007/s11172-016-1418-8
Sodium cis-tetratolylcyclotetrasiloxanolate and cis-tritolylcyclotrisiloxanolate: Synthesis, structure and their mutual transformations
Anisimov A.A., Zhemchugov P.V., Milenin S.A., Goloveshkin A.S., Tsareva U.S., Bushmarinov I.S., Korlyukov A.A., Takazova R.U., Molodtsova Yu.A., Muzafarov A.M., Shchegolikhina O.I.
Journal of Organometallic Chemistry, 2016, 103-111; DOI: 10.1016/j.jorganchem.2016.09.023
Synthesis and structure of new polyhedral Ni, Na-and Cu, Na-metallasiloxanes with tolyl substituent at the silicon atom
Anisimov A. A., Kononevich Y. N., Zhemchugov P. V., Milenin S. A., Korlyukov A.A., Tsareva U S., Peregudov A. S., Dorovatovskii P. V., Molodtsova Y.A., Takazova R. U., Shchegolikhina O. I., Muzafarov A. M.
RSC Advances, 2016, 22052-22060; DOI: 10.1039/C5RA26414F.
Cu (II)-Silsesquioxanes as Secondary Building Units for Construction of Coordination Polymers: A Case Study of Cesium-Containing Compounds
Korlyukov A. A., Vologzhanina A. V., Buzin M. I., Sergienko N. V., Zavin B. G., Muzafarov A. M.
Crystal Growth & Design, 2016, 1968-1977; DOI: 10.1021/acs.cgd.5b01554
Acyclic polyphenylsilsesquioxane: synthesis and properties
Temnikov M. N., Buzin M. I., Demchenko N. V., Cherkaev G. V., Vasilenko N. G., Muzafarov A. M.
Mendeleev Communications, 2016, 121-123; DOI: 10.1016/j.mencom.2016.03.012
Magnetorheological fluids based on a hyperbranched polycarbosilane matrix and iron microparticles
Vasiliev V. G., Sheremetyeva N. A., Buzin M. I., Turenko D. V., Papkov V. S., Klepikov I. A., Razumovskaya I. V.,. Muzafarov A. M, Kramarenko E. Yu.
Smart Materials and Structures, 2016, 55016; DOI: 10.1088/0964-1726/25/5/055016
Polymer composites with surface modified SiO2 nanoparticles: Structures, properties, and promising applications
Serenko O.A., Muzafarov A.M.
Polymer Science Series B, 2016, 93-101; DOI: 10.1134/S1811238216010112
Hybrid materials based on core-shell polyorganosilsesquioxanes modified with iron nanoparticles
Vasil’kov A.Yu., Migulin D. A., Naumkin A. V., Belyakova O. A., Zubavichus Y. V., Abramchuk S. S., Maksimov Y. V., Novichikhind S. V. and Muzafarova A. M.
Mendeleev Communications, 2016, 187-190; DOI: 10.1016/j.mencom.2016.04.002
Organosilicon compounds in supercritical carbon dioxide: Synthesis, polymerization, modification, and production of new materials
Pigaleva M.A., Elmanovich I.V., Gallyamov M.O., Temnikov M.N., Muzafarov A.M.
Polymer Science. Series B, 2016, 235-270; DOI: 10.1134/S1560090416030118
Surface modification of epoxy resin by amphiphilic fluoroorganosiloxane copolymers
Soldatov M.A., Naumkin A.V., Serenko O.A., Pertsin A.I., Pereyaslavtsev A.Y.
Russian Chemical Bulletin, 2016, 1116-1118; DOI: 10.1007/s11172-016-1421-0
Solution properties of comb‐like polymers consisting of dimethylsiloxane monomer units
Filippov A., Kozlov A., Tarabukina E., Obrezkova M., Muzafarov A.
Polymer International, 2016, 393–399; DOI: 10.1002/pi.5067
Organosilicon fluoro-containing polymer brushes based on epoxy matrix: XPS analysis
Naumkin A.V., Volkov I.O., Pertsin A.I., Soldatov M.A., Streltsov D.R., Pereyaslavtsev A.Y.
Russian Chemical Bulletin, 2016, 1072-1075; DOI: 10.1007/s11172-016-1415-y
(Monosodiumoxy)organoalkoxysilanes (Rebrov Salts)—Polyfunctional Monomers for Silicone Syntheses
Muzafarov A.M.
Efficient Methods for Preparing Silicon Compounds, 2016, 179-181; DOI: 10.1016/B978-0-12-803530-6.00013-5
Small-angle x-ray scattering study of polymer structure: Carbosilane dendrimers in hexane solution
Shtykova E. V., Feigin L. A., Volkov V. V., Malakhova Y. N., Streltsov D. R., Buzin A. I., Chvalun S.N., Katarzhanova E. Yu., & Muzafarov A. M.
Crystallography Reports, 2016, 815-825; DOI: 10.1134/S1063774516050199
Synthesis, crystal structure and optical properties of a new meso-acrylate BODIPY dye
Pakhomov A. A., Kononevich Y. N., Korlyukov A. A., Martynov V. I., Muzafarov A. M.
Mendeleev Communications, 2016, 196-198; DOI: 10.1016/j.mencom.2016.04.005
Synthesis and photophysical properties of a new BODIPY-based siloxane dye
Pakhomov A. A., Kononevich Y. N., Stukalova M. V., Svidchenko E. A., Surin N. M., Cherkaev G. V., Shchegolikhina V. I., Martynov O. I., Muzafarov A. M.
Tetrahedron Letters, 2016, 979-982; DOI: 10.1016/j.tetlet.2016.01.059
Direct-write printing of reactive oligomeric alkoxysilanes as an affordable and highly efficient route for promoting local adhesion of silver inks on polymer substrates
Kirikova M. N., Agina E. V., Bessonov A. A., Sizov A. S., Borshchev O. V., Trul A. A., Muzafarov A.M., Ponomarenko S. A.
Journal of Materials Chemistry, 2016, 2211-2218; DOI: 10.1039/C5TC03497C
Polymers Beyond Chlorine. In Chemistry Beyond Chlorine
Muzafarov A.M.
Springer International Publishing, 2016, 317-330; DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-30073-3_11
Solution Properties of New “core-shell” Structured Polyorganosilsesquioxanes with Two Different Types of “core-shell
Amirova A. I., Golub O. V., Migulin D. A., Muzafarov A.M.
International Journal of Polymer Analysis and Characterization, 2016, 214-220; DOI: 10.1080/1023666X.2016.1136867
Calorimetric study of carbosilane dendrimers of the third and sixth generations with phenylethyl terminal groups
Sologubov S. S., Markin A. V., Smirnova N. N., Rybakova Y. A., Novozhilova N. A., Tatarinova E. A., & Muzafarov A. M.
Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 2016, 595–606; DOI: 10.1007/s10973-016-5301-5
Development of a method for introducing 1-aminophosphonate fragment in a siloxane matrix
Khairova R. R., Milenin S. A., Cherkaev G. V., Stoikov I. I., Muzafarov A. M.
Phosphorus, Sulfur, and Silicon and the Related Elements, 2016, 1617-1618; DOI: 10.1080/10426507.2016.1217218
Effect of Hybrid Nanoparticles on Glass Transition Temperature of Polymer Nanocomposites
Roldughin V. I., Serenko O. A., Getmanova E.V., Novozhilova N. A., Nikifirova G. G., Buzin M. I., Chvalun S. N., Ozerin A. N., Muzafarov A. M.
Polymer Composites, 2016, 1978–1990; DOI: 10.1002/pc.23376
Synthesis, Characterization, and Investigation of Thermosensitive Star‐Shaped Poly (2‐isopropyl‐2‐oxazolines) Based on Carbosilane Dendrimers
Amirova A., Rodchenko S., Makhmudova Z., Cherkaev G., Milenin S., Tatarinova E., Kurlykin M., Tenkovtsev A., Filippov A.
Macromolecular Chemistry and Physics, 2016, 1600387; DOI: 10.1002/macp.201600387
Interaction of organodialkoxysilanolates with carbon dioxide
Temnikov M. N., Cherkun N. V., Boldyrev K. L., Zimovets S. N., Kononova E. G., Elmanovich M.O. Gallyamov I. V., Muzafarov А.M.
RSC Advances, 2016, 105161-105165; DOI: 10.1039/C6RA19758B
Solution Behavior of Hyperbranched Polymethylsilsesquioxane with Intramolecular Cycles
Amirova A. I., Golub O. V., Meshkov I. B., Migulin D. A., Muzafarov A. M., Filippov A. P.
International Journal of Polymer Analysis and Characterization, 2015, 268-276; DOI: 10.1080/1023666X.2015.1013185
Polycondensation of Diethoxydimethylsilane in Active Medium
Kalinina A., Strizhiver N., Vasilenko N., Perov N., Demchenko N., Muzafarov A.
Silicon, 2015, 95-106; DOI: 10.1007/s12633-014-9233-z
Comb-Like Polymethylsiloxanes. Synthesis, Structure and Properties
Obrezkova M.A., Kalinina A.A., Pavlichenko I.V., Vasilenko N.G.,· Mironova M.V., Semakov A.V., Kulichikhin V.G., Buzin M.I., Muzafarov A.M.
Silicon, 2015, 177-189; DOI: 10.1007/s12633-014-9257-4
Novel Cross-Linked Luminescent Silicone Composites Based on Reactive Nanostructured Organosilicon Luminophores
Skorotetcky M. S., Borshchev 0. V., Surin N. M., Meshkov I. B., Muzafarov A. M., Ponomarenko S. A.
Silicon, 2015, 191-200; DOI: 10.1007/s12633-014-9256-5
Synthesis of Fluorine-containing-Organosilicon Oligomer in Trifluoroacetic Acid as Active Medium
Soldatov M.A., Sheremetyeva N.A., Serenko O.A., Muzafarov A.M.
Silicon, 2015, 211-216; DOI: 10.1007/s12633-014-9232-0
Polylactide and hybrid silicasol nanoparticle-based composites
Zhiltsov A., Gritsenko O., Kazakova V., Gorbatsevitch O., Bessonova N., Askadskii A., Serenko O., Muzafarov A.
JOURNAL OF APPLIED POLYMER SCIENCE, 2015, 41894; DOI: 10.1002/app.41894
Hydrolytic polycondensation of diethoxydimethylsilane in carbonic acid
Kalinina A.A., Elmanovich I.V., Temnikov M.N., Pigaleva M.A., Zhiltsov A.S., Gallyamov M.O., Muzafarov A.M.
RSC ADVANCES, 2015, 5664-5666; DOI: 10.1039/C4RA13619E.
Novel Approach to Synthesis of Monodisperse Polymeric Microspheres: Heterophase Polymerization of Styrene and Methyl Methacrylate in Presence of Water-Insoluble Functional PDMSs
Shragin D. I., Gritskova I. A., Kopylov V. V., Milushkova E. V., Zlydneva L. A., Levachev S. M.
Silicon, 2015, 217-227; DOI: 10.1007/s12633-014-9265-4
Comparison of Effectiveness of Various Approaches to Direct Synthesis of Alkoxysilanes
Temnikov M. N., Zhiltsov A. S., Kotov V. M., Krylova I. V., Egorov M. P., Muzafarov A. M.
Silicon, 2015, 69-78; DOI: 10.1007/s12633-014-9236-9
Synthesis of Carbosilane Dendrimers with 2-Phenylethyl End Groups and Influence of Generation Number on Glass Transition Temperature of PS-based Composites
Novozhilova N. A., Serenko O. A., Roldughin V. I., Askadskii A. A., Muzafarov A. M.
Silicon, 2015, 155-164; DOI: 10.1007/s12633-014-9223-1
Synthesis and Characterization of Organo-Inorganic Nanoobjects Based on Hyperbranched Polyethoxysiloxanes
Zhiltsov A. S., Boldyrev K. L., Gorbatsevitch O. B., Kazakova V. V., Demchenko N. V., Cherkaev G. V., Muzafarov A. M.
Silicon, 2015, 165-176; DOI: 10.1007/s12633-014-9229-8
Calorimetric and infrared studies of carbosilane dendrimers of the third generation with ethyleneoxide terminal groups
Markin A.V., Sologubov S.S., Smirnova N.N., Knyazev A.V., Maczka, M., Ptak, M., Novozhilova N.A., Tatarinova, E.A., Muzafarov A.M.
Thermochimica Acta, 2015, 144-151; DOI: 10.1016/j.tca.2015.08.028
Preparation and application of a BODIPY-labeled probe for a real-time polymerase chain reaction
Ilnitskaya E.V., Kononevich Y.N., Muzafarov A.M., Rzhevskiy S.A., Shadrin I.A., Babaev E.V., Martynov V.I., Pakhomov A.A.
RUSSIAN JOURNAL OF BIOORGANIC CHEMISTRY, 2015, 451-453; DOI: 10.1134/S1068162015040068
Effect of the rigid core of the filler on the properties of melt-mixed polystyrene/core-shell particle nanocomposites
Serenko O.A., Mironova M.V., Novozhilova N.A., Strashnov P.V., Getmanova E.V., Askadskii A.A., Shevchenko V.G., Kulichikhin V.G., Muzafarov A.M.
MATERIALS CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS, 2015, 16-28; DOI: 10.1016/j.matchemphys.2015.02.013
Influence of branching regularity on the behavior of hyperbranched polymers in solution
Filippov A, Amirova A.I., Kirila T., Belyaeva E.V., Sheremetyeva N.A., Muzafarov A.M.
POLYMER INTERNATIONAL, 2015, 780-786; DOI: 10.1002/pi.4852
Synthesis of alkoxybenzylmethylsilanes and polybenzylmethylsiloxane polymers on their basis
Milenin S.A., Kalinina A.A., Gorodov V.V., Vasilenko N.G., Muzafarov A.M., Buzin M.I.
Russian Chemical Bulletin, 2015, 2498-2504; DOI: 10.1007/s11172-015-1183-0
Nanocomposites Based on Polyethylene and Modified Silica Phase
Nikonorova N. I., Trofimchuk E. S., Meshkov I. B., Volynskii A. L., Bakeev N. F., Muzafarov A. M.
Nanotechnologies in Russia, 2015, 75-80; DOI: 10.1134/S1995078015060087
Synthesis, rheological, and thermal properties of polydimethylsiloxanes modified with long-chain hydrocarbon substituents with polar fragments
Pryakhina T.A., Shragin D.I., Kononevich Y.N., Vasiĺev V.G., Buzin M.I., Papkov V.S., Muzafarov A.M.
Russian Chemical Bulletin, 2015, 605-612; DOI: 10.1007/s11172-015-0906-6
Organosilicon surfactants: Effects of structure on the kinetics of heterophase polymerization of methyl methacrylate and behavior in Langmuir films on the surface of water
Gritskova I.A., Milushkova E.V., Ezhova A.A., Lukashevich A.D., Prokopov N.I., Malakhova Y.N., Kopylov V.M., Shragin D.I., Buzin A.I., Levachev S.M.
Polymer Science. Series B, 2015, 560-566; DOI: 10.1134/S1560090415060068
Thermodynamic Properties of Carbosilane Dendrimers of the Sixth Generation with Ethyleneoxide Terminal Groups
Sologubov S., Markin A. V., Smirnova N. N., Novozhilova N. A., Tatarinova E. A., & Muzafarov A. M.
J. Phys. Chem. B, 2015, 14527–14535; DOI: 10.1021/acs.jpcb.5b06786
Effect of hybrid nanoparticles on glass transition temperature of polymer nanocomposites
Roldughin V. I., Serenko O. A., Getmanova E. V., Novozhilova N. A., Nikifirova G. G., Buzin M. I., Chvalun S.N., Ozerin A. N., Muzafarov A. M.
Polymer Composites, 2015, 1978 – 1990; DOI: 10.1002/pc.23376
Biphase H2O/CO2 system as versatile reaction medium for organic synthesis
Pigaleva M. A., Elmanovich I., Kononevich Yu. N., Gallyamov M., Muzafarov A.
RSC Adv, 2015, 103573 – 103608; DOI: 10.1039/C5RA18469J
Nanostructured organosilicon luminophores as a new concept of nanomaterials for highly efficient down-conversion of light
Ponomarenko S. A., Surin N. M., Borshchev O. V., Skorotetcky M. S., Muzafarov A. M.
InSPIE Nanoscience + Engineering, 2015, 954509-954509; DOI: 10.1117/12.2187281
Rheological properties of nonfunctional derivatives of hyperbranched polycarbosilanes
Sheremetyeva N.A., Myakushev V.D., Muzafarov A.M., Vasiliev V.G., Papkov V.S., Kramarenko E.Y., Pak G.G.
Russian Chemical Bulletin, 2015, 2145-2151; DOI: 10.1007/s11172-015-1130-0
Aluminum Phthalocyanine on Silica Nanoparticles: Aggregation and Excited States
Lobanov A.V., Sultimova N.B., Levin P.P., Meshkov I.B., Melnikov M.Y.
Macroheterocycles, 2015, 279-283; DOI: 10.6060/mhc150459l
Synthesis of fluorine-containing organosilicon copolymers and their use for the preparation of stable hydrophobic coatings based on the epoxy binder
Soldatov M.A., Sheremetéva N.A., Kalinina A.A., Demchenko N.V., Serenko O.A., Muzafarov A.M.
Russian Chemical Bulletin, 2014, 267-272; DOI: 10.1007/s11172-014-0422-0
Silylated derivatives of azasilacyclopentanes
Salikhov T.R., Kopylov V.M., Shragin D.I.
Russian Journal of General Chemistry, 2014, 875-882; DOI: 10.1134/S1070363214050168
Synthesis and thermal properties of polydimethylsiloxanes modified by decyl and methylundecylenate substituents
Pryakhina T.A., Shragin D.I., Strelkova T.V., Kotov V.M., Buzin M.I., Muzafarov A.M., Demchenko N.V.
Russian Chemical Bulletin, 2014, 1416-1422; DOI: 10.1007/s11172-014-0612-9
Plasmonic Fluorescence Enhancement of DBMBF2 Monomers and DBMBF2–Toluene Exciplexes using Al-Hole Arrays
Schmidt T.M., Bochenkov V.E., Espinoza J.D.A., Smits E.C.P., Muzafarov A.M., Kononevich Yu.N., Sutherland D.S.
Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 2014, 2138-2145; DOI: 10.1021/jp4110823
Synthesis and antioxidant activity of silicon analogue of butylhydroxytoluene
Kononevich Yu.N., Smolski A.S., Demchenko A.M., Muzafarov A.M.
Mendeleev Communications, 2014, 149-151; DOI: 10.1016/j.mencom.2014.04.007
Synthesis of new monofunctional organosilicon molecules – Prospective efficient stoppers for the design of new siloxane polymers of unusual architecture
Anisimov A.A., Kononevich Yu.N., Korlyukov A.A., Arkhipov D.E., Kononova E.G., Peregudov A.S., Shchegolikhina O.I., Muzafarov A.M.
Journal of Organometallic Chemistry, 2014, 79-83; DOI: 10.1016/j.jorganchem.2014.09.001
Nanostructured organosilicon luminophores and their application in highly efficient plastic scintillators
Ponomarenko S.A, Surin N.M., Borshchev O.V., Luponosov Y.N., Akimov D.Y., Alexandrov I.S., Burenkov A.A., Kovalenko A.G., Stekhanov V.N., Kleymyuk E.A., Gritsenko O.T., Cherkaev G.V., Kechek'yan A.S., Serenko O.A., Muzafarov A.M.
Sci. Rep, 2014, 6549; DOI: 10.1038/srep06549
Study of Self-Diffusion of Silicone MQ Resins in Chloroform Solutions by Pulsed Field-Gradient NMR Spectroscopy
Vasil'ev S.G., Volkov V.I., Tatarinova E.A., Muzafarov A.M.
APPLIED MAGNETIC RESONANCE, 2014, 315-328; DOI: 10.1007/s00723-013-0512-4
Thermodynamic properties of carbosilane dendrimers of the third and sixth generations with ethyleneoxide terminal groups
Smirnova N.N., Markin A.V., Letyanina I.A., Sologubov S.S., Novozhilova N.A., Tatarinova E.A., Muzafarov A.M.
RUSSIAN JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY A, 2014, 735-741; DOI: 10.1134/S0036024414050306
Structure and Properties of Composites Based on Polyethylene Oxide and Molecular Silicasol
Serenko O. A., Shevchenko V. G., Zhil’tsov A. S., Chuprakov V. E., Zaderenko T. V., Gritsenko O. T., Mironova M. V., Gorbatsevich O. B., Kazakova V. V., Kulichikhin V. G., Muzafarov A. M.
Nanotechnologies in Russia, 2013, 81–91; DOI: 10.1134/S1995078013010138
New approaches in silicon production and recycling for sustainable future
Muzafarov A. M., Bystrova A. V., Vasilenko N. G.
Russian Chemical Reviews, 2013, 635-647; DOI: 10.1070/RC2013v082n07ABEH004406
Fracture of polystyrene- and molecular silica sol-based nanocomposites during fast compression
Aleksandrov I. A., Gritsenko O. T., Perov N. S., Getmanova E. V., Obolonkova E. S., Serenko O. A., Shevchenko V. G., Aleksandrov A. I., Muzafarov A. M.
Technical Physics, 2013, 635-647; DOI: 10.1134/S1063784213010027
Synthesis of diethoxy(phenyl)silane and its polycondensation in acetic acid
Milenin S. A., Kalinina A. A., Demchenko N. V., Vasilenko N.G., Muzafarov A.M.
Russian Chemical Bulletin, 2013, 705-709; DOI: 10.1007/s11172-013-0096-z
Synthesis and properties of carbosilane dendrimers of the third and sixth generations with the ethylene oxide surface layer in bulk and in monolayers at the air-water interface
Novozhilova N. A., Malakhova Yu. N., Buzin M. I., Buzin A. I.,Tatarinova E.A., Vasilenko N.G., Muzafarov A.M.
Russian Chemical Bulletin, 2013, 2514-2526; DOI: 10.1007/s11172-013-0365-x
Thermodynamic analysis of the glass transition temperatures of the polymer-hybrid nanoparticles systems
Roldugin V.I., Serenko O. A., Getmanova E. V., Karmishina N.A., Chvalun S.N., Muzafarov A. M.
Doklady Physical Chemistry, 2013, 83 – 87; DOI: 10.1134/S0012501613040088
Carbon-Reinforced Plastics Based on Hybrid Polyimide-Organosilicon Binders
Popova E. N., Yudin V. E, Myagkova L. A., Svetlichnyi V. M., Tatarinova E. A., Muzafarov A. M, Saprykina N. N, Elokhovskii V. Yu, Vaganov G. V.
RUSSIAN JOURNAL OF APPLIED CHEMISTRY, 2013, 1873-1879; DOI: 1134/S1070427213120124
Structure of polylactide-modified silicasol nanocomposites based on thermodynamically compatible components
Zhiltsov A.S., Meshkov I.B., Kurkin T.S., Gorbatsevich O.B., Kazakova V.V., Serenko O.A., Ozerin A.N., Muzafarov A.M., Askadskii A.A.
Nanotechnologies in Russia, 2013, 644-654; DOI: 10.1134/S1995078013050157
Laser photolysis study of the triplet states of phthalocyanines on the surface of silica nanoparticles in aqueous solutions
Sul'timova N. B., Levin P. P., Lobanov A. V., Muzafarov A. M.
High Energy Chemistry, 2013, 98-102; DOI: 10.1134/S0018143913030119
Photodegradation of boron difluoride dibenzoylmethanate in solutions
Zakharova G. V., Chibisov A. K., Sazhnikov V. A., Kononevich Yu. N., Muzafarov A. M., Alfimov M. V.
High Energy Chemistry, 2013, 327-330; DOI: 10.1134/S00181 43913060131
A Solid-State NMR Investigation of MQ Silicone Copolymers
Vasil'ev S. G., Volkov V. I., Tatarinova E. A., Muzafarov A. M.
Applied Magnetic Resonance, 2013, 1015-1025; DOI: 10.1007/s00723-013-0456-8
Synthesis and Photophysical Properties of Alkoxysilyl Derivatives of Dibenzoylmethanatoboron Difluoride
Kononevich Y. N., Meshkov I. B., Voronina N. V., Surin N. M., Sazhnikov V. A., Safonov A. A., Bagaturyants A. A., Alfimov M. V., Muzafarov A. M.
Heteroatom Chemistry, 2013, 271-282; DOI: 10.1002/hc.21091
Synthesis and physical behavior of amphiphilic dendrimers with layered organization of hydrophilic and hydrophobic blocks
Leshchiner I., Boiko N., Kumar J., Richardson R. M, Muzafarov A., Shibaev V.
Colloid Polym Sci, 2013, 927–936; DOI: 10.1007/s00396-012-2811-y
Novel polyolefin/silicon dioxide/H3PO4 composite membranes with spatially heterogeneous structure for phosphoric acid fuel cell
Gruzd A.S., Trofimchuk E.S., Nikonorova N.I., Nesterova E.A., Meshkov I.B., Gallyamov M.O., Khokhlov A.R.
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2013, 4132-4143; DOI: 10.1016/j.ijhydene.2013.01.124
Temperature Dependence of the Hydrodynamic and Conformational Properties of Hyperbranched Polycarbosilanes
Amirova A. I., Sheremetyeva N. A., Filippov A. P.
International Journal of Polymer Analysis and Characterization, 2013, 339-345; DOI: 10.1080/1023666X.2013.784938
Thermodynamics of G-3(D4) and G-6(D4) Carbosilanecyclosiloxane Dendrimers
Smirnova N.N., Markin A.V., Samosudova Ya.S., Ignat’eva G.M., Katarzhnova E.Yu., Muzafarov A.M.
Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry A, 2013, 552–559; DOI: 10.1134/S0036024413040262