Enikolopov Institute of Synthetic Polymeric Materials
Russian Academy of Sciences
The Institute of Synthetic Polymeric Materials (ISPM) was founded in 1981 by Academician N.S. Enikolopov as part of a Branch of Basic and Technical Chemistry at the Academy of Sciences of the USSR. Today it is one of the leading research centers in chemistry and physics of polymers.
ISPM RAS is celebrating 40's anniversary since it's foundation

In 2021, it was 40 years since the day when the ISPM was organized by Academician Nikolai Sergeyevich Enikolopov.
The history of the Institute is a glorious path of service to science and the country, its task is to conduct fundamental theoretical and experimental studies of polymer compounds that are of great importance both for fundamental science in general and for the development of domestic industry.
The agenda:
- Speech held by the Director of the Institute, corresponding member. RAS S. A. Ponomarenko
- Speech held by the scientific director of the Institute, corresponding member. RAS A. N. Ozyorina
- Memories of employees about their work in the institute
- Unofficial part
Three reviews were published in the issue №12 of 2020 of the journal "Russian Chemical Reviews"

We congratulate our colleagues and wish them stay strong in the pursuit of their goals! 👩🔬👨💻
Source: https://iopscience.iop.org/
The RSF will support a joint project of researchers from Enikolopov Institute of Synthetic Polymeric Materials and Wuhan University

The expertise of the projects was carried out both from the Russian and Chinese sides independently of each other. The teams that managed to get a positive assessment of experts from both countries were recognized as winners.
Among the 30 winners is a joint project of the Laboratory of Functional Materials for Organic Electronics and Photonics and Wuhan University "Development of new non-fullerene acceptor materials based on conjugated oligomers and polymers for highly efficient and stable organic solar cells".
Source: https://www.рнф.рф/
8th International Bakeev Conference on Macromolecular Nano-objects and Polymer Nanocomposites

Detailed information is available on the conference website.
Abstracts submissions are accepted until December 17.
Gas sensors based on the polymer nanocomposites

It was found that the electrical characteristics of films (DC and AC conductivity, capacitance at different frequencies, current attenuation time) depend on the composition of the air. A unique set of electrical parameters allows you to detect individual substances in the atmosphere.
Poly(p-xylylene) – titanium thin film nanocomposites were synthesized by vacuum deposition polymerization and proposed to serve as a gas sensor. They can reversibly and selectively detect several parts per thousand water, ethanol and even n-propyl benzene vapors with short response time. The presence of polar molecules affects conductance and capacitance, while nonpolar vapors such as benzene and toluene have no effect on electrical properties.
The research leading to these results has received funding from the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation under grant agreement № 075-15-2019-1694 (RFMEFI60419×0227) from 22.11.2019. There was an article published in highly-cited scientific journal Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical.
The eighth megagrants competition has been announced

The corresponding documentation is available on the page of the official website of the Ministry of science and higher education of the Russian Federation, as well as on the website of the megagrant program in Russian and English.
Applications for participation in the competition can be submitted from 10th June 2020 to 3rd August 2020.
Fluorinated Thiophene-Phenylene Co-oligomers for Optoelectronic Devices

The obtained results can be extended to other families of conjugated oligomers and highlight the efficiency of fluorination for rational design of organic semiconductors for optoelectronic devices.
Source: https://pubs.acs.org/
The winners of the call for Russian-Indian projects are announced

Source: https://www.rfbr.ru/
Open lecture by Stepan Podzimek, Professor of the University of Pardubice

During the second part of the seminar there will be presented results of the study of biodegradable star-shaped polylactides synthesized in the Laboratory of functional polymer structures.
Free admission.
ISPM RAS organized 5th International Fall School on Organic Electronics IFSOE-2019

The school held a competition for the best oral and poster presentations among young scientists, the winners of which were awarded by diplomas, commemorative albums and new books on organic electronics from one of the sponsors of the event - the global publishing house Wiley. The main sponsor of the school for young scientists was the Russian Science Foundation in the framework of grant No. 19-73-30028, supported by the "Presidential program for support of leading laboratories and infrastructure projects".
Reaxys Award Russia 2019 winners were announced at the XXI Mendeleev Congress on General and Applied Chemistry

Sources: http://elsevierscience.ru/
Open postdoc positions
The Laboratory of Functional Materials for Organic Electronics and Photonics of ISPM RAS opens postdoc positions to implement the project "Development of new functional materials for biocompatible organic electronics and robotics" supported by the Russian Science Foundation within the framework of the "Presidential program to support leading laboratories and infrastructure projects”. For detailed information see the Announcement.
Researchers and Ph.D. students of ISPM RAS took part at ICMAT-2019 in Singapur

Source of photos: https://icmat2019.mrs.org.sg/photos/
Open lecture by Professor Christian Grandfils, University of Liège, Belgium

During lecture main research activities of CEIB, such as material synthesis, processing and characterisation, and in vitro testing, will be described.
This lecture will be primary focused on the optimization of biodegradable aliphatic polyesters which have been functionalized in order to improve their surface and mechanical properties with as final purpose to improve their suitability for bone regeneration.
Free admission.
Plastics industry launches waste initiative

The alliance includes some of the world’s largest chemical companies, including BASF, Dow Chemical, and LyondellBasell Industries, as well as consumer product giants like Procter & Gamble and Henkel. But critics say the industry should have acted on plastic waste sooner and that this effort by itself won’t solve the problem.
The initiative launched with a sleek video presentation viewed on the web by more than 500,000 people its first day. Full text see here.
Source: https://pubs.acs.org/
The Award Ceremony of the Energy of Youth prize was held in Moscow

Yuriy Luponosov, leading researcher of the Laboratory of Functional Materials for Organic Electronics and Photonics of ISPM RAS. was awarded in the nomination of Non-traditional Energy. His project is devoted to transparent and flexible solar cells based on new organic materials with enhanced stability.
Source: http://globalenergyprize.org/en/media-room/news/2018/12/http-vesti.energy-journals.ru-ceremoniya-nagrazhdeniya-pobediteley-k1
Collaboration with South Korean scientists

In the framework of the meeting a Collaborative Forum took place, where representatives of KIMM presented main directions of the institution scientific activity, in particular in the field of mashinery for roll-to-roll and printed electronics.
Researchers of the Laboratory of Functional Materials for Organic Electronics and Photonics of ISPM RAS presented their recent scientific reasults in the field of organic electronics. As a result of the meeting it was desided to prepare a Collaborative Research Agreement and to look for possible funding sources for collaborative research in the field of organic and printed electronics.
New site launch
Previous version of the site ISPM RAS is available on old.ispm.ru.
ISPM RAS invites you to participate in the 3rd International Fall School on Organic Electronics (IFSOE-2016).
The IFSOE 2016 will cover all key aspects of Organic Electronics to give the attendee a comprehensive view of
the field from materials and fundamental physics to devices and applications. The conference will take place in Moscow Region, Hotel Soyuz, September 18-23.
New site ISPM RAS
New site ISPM RAS is under consrtuction. It is being translated to english. Publications and patents information of the labaratories are renewed.
Startups list is added.
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